Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dakon and Bekel...

Indonesian children's games like Congklak or Dakon, Bekel, Kelereng, Gasingan, Layangan, Kuda Lumping, Angklungan, Mobil-mobilan kulit jeruk; are not very popular anymore since electronic and hi-tech toys are introduced late of 1990s. Some were my childhood games I used to play. My favorites were Congklak or Dakon; Bekel and Lompat Tali. I would love to play them again, not the Lompat Tali though. I think I am too old for that one. But it's very hard to find the Dakon and Biji Bekel now. Even if out there somewhere we would find some, I don't think that we can find the good quality ones. I remember my sister's Biji Bekel. They were so cute, chubby and smooth. The dots were clearly marked and they were very rare to do the "peeing position." At those times, even it was hard to find the same ones. All of our family members including my dad loved to play this game. Dakon game; I used to play it with my grandmother. Most of the time she was the winner. She was excellent. This Dakon game is a kind of strategy game. I think this game is much more fun than strategy game on computer like Warcraft, Survival, and Stronghold! *Sorry, boys!* Those games actually build a good social relationship because you always need at least one partner. Look at nowadays games. Most of the time they teach you to be a individualist and a cheater. If you'd like to argue with me, please bring me evidence why do they; the Games Shops/Stores sold the cheat cd as well? Well I miss those oldies games... Is there any ukhti feel the same way like I do?


At 8:29 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about "benthik" do u know, sist?

At 10:09 pm , Blogger Mother of Abdullaah said...

Benthik kuwi opo, mbak? AKu ngertine benik alias kancing :D

At 10:24 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

benthik is kind of dolanan anak use stick. Rule play-nya aku jg ga 'ngeh' lha wong aku dulu tatuttt main benthik..scary of getting hurt coz of stick :D. anyone can help find out "the rule play of benthik?"

At 12:02 am , Blogger Mother of Abdullaah said...

O, yg kita loncat-loncat gitu tha? Yang megang beberapa buah bambu? Iyyo? Kayaknya aku paham deh yang dimaksudken situ :P Tapi aku juga gak pernah mainan itu jadi gak ngeh aturan maennya. Abis aku wis rodo ngutha (kota) sih tinggalnya *urabn girl maksudnye* hehe

At 12:04 am , Blogger Mother of Abdullaah said...

Urban! KOK jadi urabn, ntar urap-urap lagi *slpprrrt* :D

At 3:56 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salah! Benthik pake tongkat kecil...jumlahnya 2..trus dilempar dg cara dipukul dengan stick yang satunya..skor-nya diitung dari jarak lempar dengan start lempar (dihitung dg stick td). masih ga mudheng? Kapan ketemuan kita maen benthik, ternyata suamiku jago benthik di jamannya. Ini bukan masalah urban-non urban, tapi gaul-ga gaul :P

At 11:59 am , Blogger Mother of Abdullaah said...

*tetep gak mudheng mode on* hehehe. nyok kapan-kapan kita ketemuan nyok... ajarin benthik-an ama BBQ-an, slprttt.. nyam nyam :)


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