Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ketika Rasulullaah pernah tertawa dan tersenyum...

Al-Hafizh Abu Bakar al-Bazzar meriwayatkan bahwa Anas bin Malik r.a berkata:
Rasulullaah saw. pernah tertawa pada suatu hari dan tersenyum, kemudia beliau mengatakan, 'Mengapa kalian tidak menanyakan kepadaku tentang sesuatu yang telah membuatku tertawa?' Mereka menjawab, 'Ya Rasulullaah, apakah yang telah membuat Anda tertawa?' Rasulullaah menjawab, 'Aku merasa takjub dengan perbantahan seorang hamba terhadap Tuhannya pada hari Kiamat nanti. Dia mengatakan, 'Ya Tuhanku, bukankah Engkau telah menjanjikan kepada kami bahwa Engkau tidak akan menzlimi diriku ini." Tuhan menjawab, 'Ya.' Dia berkata, 'Aku tidak mau menerima persaksian kecuali dari diriku sendiri.' Tuhan bertanya, 'Bukankah Aku dan para malaikat pencatat yang mulia sudah cukup menjadi saksi.' Namun hamba itu pun terus-menerus mengulang perkataannya tadi. Lalu mulutnya dikunci dan membiarkan anggota badannya berbicara tentang sesuatu yang telah dia perbuat. Lantas hamba itu mengatakan, 'Dasar tidak tahu diri. Demi kepentingan kamu semua aku ini berbantahan dengan Tuhanmu.' " Hadits ini pun telah dikeluarkan pula oleh Imam Muslim, an-Nasa'i dari Abu Bakar bin Abu Nadhr. Firman Allaah, "Kamu sekali-kali tidak dapat bersembunyi dari persaksian pendengaran, penglihatan, dan kulitmu terhadapmu." Anggota badan dan kulit mereka berkata kepada pemiliknya ketika dicaci maki karena berani memberikan kesaksian atas perbuatan sang pemilik di hadapan Allaah, "Kamu semua tidak dapat menyembunyikan dari Kami apa yang telah kalian perbuat bahkan kamu memperlihatkan kepada Allaah kekufuran dan kemaksiatan. Dan, kamu tidak peduli dengan Dia menurut pandangan kamu, karena kamu berkeyakinan bahwa Dia tidak akan mengetahui semua yang telah kamu perbuat." Karena itu Allaah berfirman, "Bahkan kamu mengira bahwa Allaah tidak mengethaui kebanyakan dari apa yang kamu kerjakan. Dan yang demikian itu adalah prasangkamu yang telah kamu sangka terhadap Tuhanmu, prasangka itu telah membinasakan kamu." Yakni, ini adalah perkiraan yang meleset. Yaitu, keyakinan kalian bahwa Allaah tidak mengetahui kebanyakan perbuatan yang kamu lakukan. Itulah yang telah membuat kamu celaka dan binasa di sisi Tuhan kamu," maka jadilah kamu termasuk orang-orang yang merugi." Yakni, dalam berbagai situasi kiamat nanti kamu telah merugikan diri kamu sendiri dan keluargamu. Sumber: Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Jilid IV halaman 197-198

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mommy-Mommy and Mommy-Daddy/Daddy-Mommy?!?!

I just watched this interesting debate on the TV programme few minutes ago. It was about Gay Marriage *Na'udhubillaahi min dhalik* Yupe, it was about it. Weird. What do they want actually? A recognition about their same sex relationship? A legal equality compared to the heterosexual relationship which they find it as a discrimination against their preferation on choosing same sex relationship??? Look, because of this whole idea... too many heachaches come forward... Purely because it is against Sunnatullaah.. against what is come as a nature from what Allaah made for us, human being; that woman is for man and man is for woman. There is absolutely nothing in between. There is no Half-Man and Half-Woman. Let's observate then; watch the homosexual couples that you know and tell me how they behaved? Most or should I say, all of them; behaved like one is like the man and another one is the woman. True? These folks talked about "LOVE" between them and their partner; which is an absurd love... Then children's equal legality case comes involved because they are not recognized as a parent... Well isn't it their decision on their behalf and being so selfish to force themselves to have kids? It is Allaah's nature that same sex relationship CAN NOT have kids and how come now they are windging to have kids and upset which they called as the so called "traditional system?" Social system (e.g marriage contract system, health system as you may wish to have IVF) doesn't need to be changed because of this minor abnormalities. You may have this abnormality because you experienced a bad relationship with oppposite sex and try a relationship with same sex and nothing happened; you know what? It could be what the evil inside you telling you so. It was not the problem with a solution to change the sex of your partner to be same as yours but your bad experience was a matter of how you are dealing with circumstances in your relationship and you may find comfortability from opposite sex which you haven't found yet. One of the purpose of a marriage is to enlarge a family and a recognition that kids born in the family have a father and a mother. What do they; gay marriage's supporter want their so called "children" to call them as parents? MOMMY-MOMMY and MOMMY-DADDY *lesbian* or MOMMY-MOMMY and DADDY-MOMMY *gay*?!?! Take the story of Lot's people as a lesson. That is more than enough for you. And Allaah Knows Best. And ooh yeah; please, don't bring the word "LOVE" again.. or even bring the baby with you which you just adopted or by IVF and act like you can be "real mothers"...

The Seven Posts at As-Siraatal Mustaqiim

This topic is excerpted from Kitab Bidaayah wa Nihayaah by Ibnu Kathir. As we all know that every ones of us will pass the As-Siraatal Mustaqiim. The speed or how we pass the As-Siraat is depend on our deeds here in this world. So ask each of us, if we've done good enough deeds that we can pass it smoothly like the blink of eyes, or like flash, or like someone's running, or like someone's crawling or we need to be washed in the Hell-Fire... as the siraat is sharper than a sword and finer than a strand of hair!!! Hisab yourself before the Day of Hisaab... First Post: Prayer (Salat) Second Post: Trustworthiness (Amanah) Third Post: Keep the bond within Muslims by visiting each other (Silaturahim) Fourth Post: Obeying your parents (Birrul walidain) Fifth Post: The words out of your tongue (Al-Lisaan) Sixth Post: Your relationship with your neighbour Seventh Post: Are you an Honest person or a Liar?

Monday, May 15, 2006


Everyday as i wake up at dawn My mind start working the moment i yawn There were many things to do, o dear! That's why i hastily did my Subuh prayer I didn't have the time to sit longer to praise the Lord To me rushing out after prayer is nothing odd... Since school, i had been busy every minute Completing my tutorials and handing it in My ECAs took up most of my time always No time did i have to Allah to pray Too many things to do and zikir is rare For Allah, I really had no time to spare.. When i grew up and started my career Working all day to secure my future When I reached home, I prefered to have fun I chatted on the phone but i didn't read the Quran I spent too much time surfing the Internet Sad to say, my faith was falling flat... The only time i have left is weekends During which i prefer window shopping with friends I couldn't spare time to go to the mosque I'm too busy, that's the BIG EXCUSE... I did my five prayers but did so quickly After prayer, I didn't sit longer to reflect quietly I didn't have time to help the needy ones I was loaded with work as my precious time runs No time at all to visit a sick Muslim friend To orphans and elderly, I hardly lent a hand I'm too busy to do community service When there were gatherings, I helped the least My life was already full of stress So i didn't counsel a Muslim in distress I didn't spend much time with my family B'coz i thought, doing so is a waste of time... No time to share with non-Muslim about Islam Even though I know, inviting causes no harm No time to do Sunnah prayers at allA ll these contribute to my imaan's fall.. I'm busy here and busy there I've no time at all, that's all i care I went for religious lessons, just once in awhile Coz i'm too busy making a pile... I worked all day and i slept all night Too tired for Tahajjud and it seemed not right To me, earning a living was already tough So i only did basic deeds but that's not enough.. No time at all, to admire God's creation No time to praise Allah and seek His Compassion Although I know how short is my life For Islam, I really didn't strive.. Finally the day comes, when the Lord calls for me And I stood before Him with my Life's History I feel so guilty b'coz i should have prayed more Isn't that what a Muslim lives for? To thank Allah and do more good deeds And the Quran is for us all to read.. Now at Judgement Day, I'm starting to fret I've wasted my life but it's too late to regret My entry to Paradise depend on my good behaviour But i've not done enough nor did proper prayer My "good deed book" is given from my right An angel opened my "book" and read out my plight. Then the angel chided me.... "O You Muslim servant, you are the one, Who is given enough time, yet not much is done Do you know that your faith is loose? Saying "no time" is only an excuse. Your "good deed book" should be filled up more with all the good work you stood up for.. Hence, I only recorded those little good deeds As I say this, I know your eyes will mist.. I was about to write some more, you see But i did not have, THE TIME to list"....... THE END..

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Watch and Be Grateful for What You Have!

Here is a link that may open your eyes and heart so you'll be more grateful for what you have...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Yaa Bunayya...

Berhubung saya menikah dengan suami yang lain kebangsaan dan saya pun tidak paham bahasanya, kami lebih banyak berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Awal-awal mempunyai anak, saya lebih banyak membahasakan dengan bahasa Inggris tetapi setelah bergaul dengan sesama Ibu-Ibu yang menikah lain bangsa, ternyata lebih baik saya berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dengan anak-anak. Mengapa? Karena pada saatnya nanti ketika anak-anak menginjak usia sekolah, mereka akan dengan cepat menguasai bahasa Inggris. Apalagi didukung oleh adanya TV yang notabene Inggris abis. Bisa-bisa anak-anak sama sekali tidak kenal dengan bahasa Indonesia. Yang biasa dikenalkan sedari kecil aja bisa lupa/pasif atau malah tidak bisa! Saya pun menyarankan suami untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasanya dalam berkomunikasi dengan anak-anak. Tetapi suami saya nimbrung sedikit saja. Dia lebih banyak berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Mungkin karena dia gampang nyerah ketika anak-anak terlebih si sulung tidak mampu me-reply apa yang suami saya maksudkan. Perkembangan bahasa anak-anak (terutama yang saya sorot saat ini adalah si sulung karena yang nomor dua masih usia 18 bulan) memang agak terlambat. Bisa jadi karena kami menggunakan multi language di rumah. Menurut beberapa referensi bacaan dan beberapa konsultan, hal ini termasuk hal yang lumrah terjadi. Meskipun perkembangan bahasanya sedikit terlambat, dalam artian sering ngoceh dalam bahasanya sendiri tetapi sebenarnya dia paham dengan apa yang saya bicarakan. Yang suka bikin saya sedih adalah ketika ia hendak mengutarakan keinginannya tetapi saya yang tidak paham dengan bahasa sederhananya tersebut padahal anak saya sudah berusaha untuk menjelaskan beberapa kali... *sigh* Alhamdulillaah sekarang perkembangan bahasanya cukup pesat. Bahkan sangat pesat. Dia makin aktif bertanya ini-itu. Dia pun pandai berhitung hingga hitungan 29. Alfabet juga lancar tetapi sayangnya huruf hijaiyyah dia belum terlalu kenal. Waktu saya kasih huruf "Alif dengan fathah" meaning "A" dia protes, katanya itu "T". Saya kasih tau kalau ini huruf hijaiyyah, bacanya "A" bukan "T" tapi dia bilang: "NO, this is T." *sigh lagi* Tapi kalau saya nyanyikan nasyid Suara Persaudaraan tentang A Ba Ta Tsa, dia paham. Nha lho! Yang unik lagi, anak saya tidak cadel huruf "R" seperti anak-anak pada umumnya. Tapi ada huruf-huruf tertentu yang suka kebolak-balik. Contohnya: "Ayo, masuk!" Dia akan menirukan kata tersebut menjadi "Maksun." Ada lagi, seperti malam tadi. Sudah waktunya tidur tapi dia bilang mau makan roti. Yaa sudah, saya ngalah dan saya bikinkan roti pakai Blue Band bertaburan mesis warna-warni. Padahal dinnernya Maghrib tadi. Ketika ada beberapa butir coklat mesis yang berceceran di piring, anak saya komentar: "Hmm.. black. Yummy." Saya pun menjawab: "Itu bukan black. Itu namanya mesis." Dia pun menirukan: "Hm.. mesen." *Gedubrakk* Bawaan anak memang lain-lain ya...


Siang ini saya iseng-iseng nonton TV sembari nyuapin anak-anak. Cari-cari channel yang programnya asik. Eh pas jam tayangnya Oprah. Dulu sih saya memang gandrung juga nonton acara itu tapi sekarang TV jarang saya nyalain kecuali pas acara anak-anak saja atau berita.Wahh taunya topiknya menarik... sampai-sampai acara suap-menyuap agak tersendat... Topik Oprah di TV saya siang ini adalah tentang ::DEBT DIET:: Oke kita mulai aja ya... DEBT DIET Langkah I Pertama;kenali hutang Anda ::chart your debt:: Kedua; harus tau berapa ::credit score:: kita Ketiga; harus pandai-pandai memprioritaskan dana yang harus dikeluarkan ::prioritizing payment:: Langkah II Pertama; cari tahu ::latte factor:: Kedua; hitung latte factor dengan ::latte factor calculator:: Langkah III Pertama; bayar tagihan kartu kredit lebih dari jumlah minimum yang harus dibayarkan ::pay more than the minimum payments:: Kedua; cobalah untuk bernegosiasi dengan pihak bank untuk menurunkan suku bunga kartu kredit Anda ::negotiation conversation sample:: Ketiga; pelajari trik-trik mematikan perusahaan kartu kredit ::4 credit card companies' tricks:: Keempat; cari tahu ::DOLP:: Langkah IV ::stop spending:: Langkah V Pertama; kenali rencana pengeluaran ::spending plan:: dan ::spending plan worksheet:: Kedua; gunakan ::spending plan calculator:: Ketiga; jadualkan cek pembayaran ::assigning paychecks to expenses:: Langkah VI Pertama; pilihan-pilihan sulit yang kemungkinan harus dihadapi ::hard choices:: Coba gunakan ::personal jurnal1:: ::personal jurnal2:: untuk mensiasati kegundahan Kedua; jual aset yang bernilai jual ::selling assets:: Ketiga; coba cari tambahan penghasilan ::earning more:: Langkah VII Pertama; pandai-pandai memprioritaskan debit Anda ::prioritize your debts:: Kedua; tingkatkan ::credit score:: Langkah VIII Pertama; lakukan ::self assessment:: gaya belanja Kedua; tunda ::gaya belanja Entertainment:: plus ::gaya belanja Mood Repair:: plus ::tips:: Keempat; tahan ::gaya belanja Habit:: plus ::tips:: Kelima; tahan ::gaya belanja Impulse:: plus ::tips:: Keenam; tahan ::gaya belanja Compulsive Behavior:: plus ::tips:: Ini baru langkah awalnya. Mumet juga ya! Tapi gak ada salahnya dicoba... Nanti kalau perlengkapan perang saya sudah siap, saya akan labelkan chart di blog saya deh! Biar tetap semangat... dan semoga memang membantu rapinya program keuangan saya. Aamin. Note: Jika ada disebut-sebut tentang pentingnya credit score/rating, saya sama sekali tidak menganjurkan pembaca untuk bermain-main dengan kartu kredit. Bisa di-skip. Waspadalah... Waspadalah!!! Sumber:

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Dakon and Bekel...

Indonesian children's games like Congklak or Dakon, Bekel, Kelereng, Gasingan, Layangan, Kuda Lumping, Angklungan, Mobil-mobilan kulit jeruk; are not very popular anymore since electronic and hi-tech toys are introduced late of 1990s. Some were my childhood games I used to play. My favorites were Congklak or Dakon; Bekel and Lompat Tali. I would love to play them again, not the Lompat Tali though. I think I am too old for that one. But it's very hard to find the Dakon and Biji Bekel now. Even if out there somewhere we would find some, I don't think that we can find the good quality ones. I remember my sister's Biji Bekel. They were so cute, chubby and smooth. The dots were clearly marked and they were very rare to do the "peeing position." At those times, even it was hard to find the same ones. All of our family members including my dad loved to play this game. Dakon game; I used to play it with my grandmother. Most of the time she was the winner. She was excellent. This Dakon game is a kind of strategy game. I think this game is much more fun than strategy game on computer like Warcraft, Survival, and Stronghold! *Sorry, boys!* Those games actually build a good social relationship because you always need at least one partner. Look at nowadays games. Most of the time they teach you to be a individualist and a cheater. If you'd like to argue with me, please bring me evidence why do they; the Games Shops/Stores sold the cheat cd as well? Well I miss those oldies games... Is there any ukhti feel the same way like I do?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Red Backpack Contents

This is the English version of my red backpack contents in another blog of mine. First Zip: * Ginger Candy aka Ting-Ting Jahe * Bubble gum * House key * Sony Ericsson mobile Second Zip: * Book of duaa's * Diary * Small pink bag for coins * Pencil/Pen case * Purse full of important items 2 ATM cards, 1 credit card, driver licence, Medicare Card and Health Care Card, phone cards, shopping receipts, fuel vouchers, stamps, ATM slips, halal haram guides note, reward cards, library cards, name cards, job network card, jewellery, old SIM cards Third Zip: * Small bag for 3pcs of nappy plus pocket size wet tissue * Nappy bags * Digicam Canon

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


What do u think of this phenomenon? They told me a story behind it. That it was a girl that turned up as a fish because she was so mean to her mother. She kicked her mother while she was doing her prayer because she was upset with her for not letting her work to Brunei. Believe it or not???

Is it me? Tell me yours...

Check this out!!! Life as an ISFJ (Introvert, Sensor, Feeler, Judger) People of this type tend to be: cautious, gentle, and thoughtful; hesitant until they know people well then affectionate and caring; very literal and aware of the physical world; uncompromising about personal standards and easily offended; diligent and conscientious, organized and decisive. The most important thing to ISFJs is living a stable, predictable life and helping people in real ways. Great careers for ISFJs Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ISFJ. *Primary care physician *Dietician *Home health worker *Elementary school worker *Librarian/archivist *Interior decorator *Paralegal *Credit counselor *Customer service representative *Bookkeeper *Hospice worker *Guidance counselor *Special education teacher *Innkeeper *Genealogist How to Love an ISFJ Appreciate the many things (large and small) that I do to make our home a warm and comfortable place to live. Appreciate my common sense, practical and steady approach to life. Listen attentively and respectfully. Give me time to think about things before expecting me to respond. Respect my need to spend time by myself, or to just be with you. Be sensitive to, and don't force me to defend, my feelings. Above all - Notice and acknowledge my hard work and commitment to our family's needs. Parenting ISFJs The Joys and Challenges of Raising ISFJs: They are affectionate and warm with people they trust, but can be skeptical or even fearful of new experiences. While they are usually quite responsible, reliable, and down to earth, they are also so literal that they may have trouble seeing the big picture. What works with ISFJs respect their need to take time to acclimate to new surroundings and people; don't rush them maintain a familiar routine; explain in advance about new experiences and include as much detail as possible speak softly and patiently with them; give specific directions and instructions Parents of ISFJs: they'll know you really love them when a quiet art or craft activity together, taking as long as they wish. SpeedReading ISFJs The key to success lies in your ability to quickly size others up, and speak their language. How to Spot ISFJs quiet, private and modest hard working, conscientious and serious gentle, thoughtful and sensitive careful dressers with an eye for color and comfort. Tips for Communicating with ISFJs Speak clearly and slowly; respect their privacy. Be explicit and map out the steps and details of your ideas. Honor your commitments and be prompt and thoughtful.

Monday, May 08, 2006

What is it like to have a relationship with someone you met though the internet?

What is it like to have a relationship with someone you met though the internet? Ani and Yulia's Story: an Indonesian Australian story Ani and Yulia are Indonesian women who both met their Turkish-Australian husbands while chatting on the same popular internet chatting site. Their Turkish-Australian husbands, Ali and Fahim, were also friends. Yulia's husband Ali was the one who recommended the chatting site to Ani's future husband Fahim and also taught him how to use the internet and the chatting sites. Yulia's husband Ali told Ani's future husband, Fahim about his internet chatting experience and how two years ago he met his wife, Yulia an Indonesian woman of the same Muslim faith through this medium. Yulia in turn became a referee for Ani's husband Fahim, telling Ani what her future husband is like as a person, what marrying into a Turkish-Australian family is like and also about the Australian lifestyle. In both these women's stories, a third person referee and their Islamic faith were important factors in their process of gaining trust and their decision to marry the men they met on the internet chatting site. Yulia was currently breaking up an online relationship with an Indonesian man who was living in Germany when she received a message from her future husband, Ali on a specifically Islamic channel (discussion group) of the internet chatting site. Her future husband Ali ended up advising Yulia and she initially referred to him as her brother, as she saw him as an older brother figure who was wise and caring. During their second chatting session, Yulia's future husband, Ali asked her to marry him. To show his serious intent, he gave as a character reference the name of an Indonesian Islamic cleric or Ustadz, that the couple both know as a moderator of the Islamic channel internet discussion group, and who was currently living in Australia. After speaking to the Indonesian Ustadz and also doing an Islamic prayer for peace of mind called Sholat Istiharoh, Yulia trusted her future husband's 'good nature' and serious intention to marry her and thus agreed to his proposal. Her future husband, Ali also went to Indonesia to meet her parents and for the wedding. While, the other Indonesian woman Ani, said that it took her a long time, before she trusted her future husband. The process took six months after which her future husband Fahim visited Indonesia to meet her parents, ask for her hand and show his serious intent for marriage. Ani said that while she was chatting with Fahim online, by email and on the phone, she never took his marriage proposal seriously until he came to Indonesia to see her. She said that it was difficult for her parents to trust him. This was not because they met on the internet, but because her parents see him as a foreigner, they were worried about the cultural differences, and were also unable to communicate with him in English. Ani's parents asked her aunt, who could speak English to translate their conversation with Fahim and to find out a bit more about him. Ani also went to see Yulia in Jakarta, at the recommendation Fahim, as an 'Indonesian' who could be a character referee and give Ani a picture of what being in a cross-cultural marriage and life in Australia is like. At the time Yulia had been married for two years to Ali, her Turkish-Australian husband. She was still based in Jakarta trying to complete her university studies but had been to visit her husband and gone to Australia on holidays and met her husband's friend Fahim, Ani's fiancé. Ani also said that she turned to her Islamic faith to give her guidance regarding her decision to marry. She believes like Yulia, that having the same religious faith to their future husband is important. The first time Ani's husband, Fahim went onto the internet chatting site's open forum, he went specifically to post a message that he was looking for a wife and that being Muslim is a criteria. Although he did not go into the specific Islamic channel of the chatting site, he still received a lot of responses and decided on Ani as a serious prospective wife after seeing her photo and having private email correspondence with her. Ani answered his message for a prospective wife and put in an interest, but she says that she did not take him seriously at first and replied more out of curiosity and fun. When Ani met Fahim online, she was working in an administrative job for a private company. At work Ani was able to regularly use the internet and often chatted online from her desk during her breaks. She said that she had three other men from different countries trying to pursue a serious relationship with her online, which she also did not take seriously. She said she did not trust the internet medium nor did she trust any communication of love or online proposals. She said that out of the men with whom she chatted on the internet, and who tried to pursue a serious relationship with her she decided to marry the Turkish-Australian Fahim, because he went to Indonesia to meet her parents. Thus, it was only after a face-to-face encounter that she were then able to move on to a more 'serious' commitment. Ani also said that she did not tell her husband Fahim that she only replied to his call for a wife out of curiosity and fun until after they were married. Nor did she tell him that she didn't see their relationship as serious until he came to Indonesia. Ani further states that she was freer to discuss everything after they were married and that her love grew for him after they were married. Both Yulia and Ani had friends in Indonesia who were worried about the process of their internet relationships and marriage proposals. When Yulia's friends said she must be crazy to marry someone she just met on an internet chatting site, Yulia replied to them by saying that she left her fate in God's hands. She explained that if her future husband, Ali did not have good intentions he would be the one who had to face God and receive his judgement. Yulia also thinks that it was a 'miracle' that her parents approved of her marriage because they used to tell her that she should not get married until she finished her university degree and had worked for a while. Yulia also found that there was a difference between when she did the Islamic prayer for peace of mind or Sholat Istiharoh for Ali, and when she did so for her previous relationship with the Indonesian man who lived in Germany. She said that before she did not have peace of mind like she did with her future Turkish-Australian husband Ali; furthermore God sent her a dream as guidance. Yulia, however, does not in generally recommend people to use the internet to find spouses because she has had female Indonesian friends who have had bad experiences meeting men on the internet, were lied to, or who had met men with ulterior motives and were not serious about marriage. She finds her case (and Ani's) to be an exception. Yulia and Ani are both currently living in Australia with their husbands and they also have two young children each. Picture taken from

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Sun Will Rise From The West One Day

As the strong belief of we muslims is that when the sun will rise from west rather than east, that time will be the biggest identity of The Day Of Judgement (Qiyamah). And the door of Forgiveness will be closed on that day. The science of astronomy states that the speed of planet Mars has been decreasing in its course towards the eastern direction in the few past weeks to the level we notice the "waver" between the east and the west..and on Wednesday the 30th of July the planet movement stopped going toward the eastern direction..!!! Then in the months of August and September...Mars changed its course in the opposite direction to the West- and that until the end of September..which means the sun will rise now from the west on Mars!! And this weird phenomena of the opposite movement called "Retrograde Motion" Most scientist state that all the planets will go through the same once at least and our planet Earth is one of them. Planet Earth will move in the opposite direction some day and the sun will rise from the west!! This might occur soon and we are unaware when it'll happen. Our beloved messenger Mohammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "One of the signs of the hour..the sun will rise from the west, where no longer tauba (forgiveness) will be granted" !! And the strange thing..most of our Shariah scholars mentioned that the rise of the sun from the west occurs only once..on that day..the sun will rise from the west..then again from the east..and continues until Allah wishes..and this is similar to what is happening to stops, then it changes its course of direction for a short period of time..then returns to way once it was. Abu Hurayra(R.A.) narrated..that the Messenger of Allah Subhanahu waTa'ala said :" The day of the hour will not come until the sun rises from the west, if it rises and the people saw it they will all believe, when a time where nothing will be accepted anymore of believe the truth" [Abu Bukhari,Muslim] From Abu Hurayra (R.A.) that the Mohammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "Start with the six actions(he mentioned) the sun rising from the west[Muslim] And Abdullah Bin Amr (R.A.) said: "I memorized from the Messenger Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam a hadith I will never forget..I heard the messenger of Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala say: The first ayah to come the rise of the sun from the west [Ahmad] And the Messenger Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam said: "Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala places His hand at night to forgive his morning sinners, and places in the morning to forgive his night sinners until the sun rises from the west" [Muslim] This piece of news is very important as it brings with it a great sign of warning and remembrance of the coming of a new WORLD - the world of the Hereafter And it is also good material for calling others to ALLAH Subhanahu waTa'ala. Whether for muslims, the unwary of us or the kufar. When we show this hadith that was told 1400 years ago about this miracle you will see !!!! InshaALLAH, a lot will enter this beautiful religion...And the muslims if they see this phenomena happening in Mars..who knows maybe it would bring them closer to our CREATOR. May Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala keep all of us in the Right path and provide us with success in this world as well as in the hereafter.